Race Day: Race day is on Saturday, June 15th this year! The race will start at the Long Branch Park parking lot. Packet Pickup and race-day registration will be at the Long Branch Pavilion. The course is a mostly flat out-and-back with one small hill just after the Lake Outlet Bridge and one water station. Refreshments will be available at the finish.

Where should I park?  Park in the Long Branch Park parking lot. See map below.


How far? 5 kilometers is 3.1 miles which takes 20-40 minutes to run or about an hour to walk.

How do I get my shirt? There will be a packet pickup before race day- time and date to be announced! For the in-person race, you can pick up your shirt at the race. If you signed up for virtual, shirts will be mailed out after the race if you haven’t picked it up. We really appreciate if you pick up the shirt, it allows us to save on shipping and donate more to Sage Upstate!

How does the virtual race work?  Run, walk, skip, dance, sashay, roll or stroll this 5k wherever you choose anytime. Ask some friends to join you, dress up in your Pride gear and be sure to snap some photos! Then, share your photos on social media: facebook.com/CNYGay5k or make a public Facebook post on your own wall using #cnygay5k. Instagram: Post using #cnygay5k and tag @cnygay5k